White Lake, NY

Lakeshore Drive House

“A Roof with a View”

This property originally contained a small single-story house with multiple bedrooms for weekend rental. At White Lake one either lives along the shore of the lake or just opposite the road, as is the case here. In planning what would replace the original structure, this condition bacame the primary focus for this new weekend residence to be built over the existing foundations.

  • The large roof deck has a view of the water through an existing right of way between the lakeside houses. The roof may is accessed from a long external stairway on the side of the house that also connects to the second floor. Below the roof, the master bedroom also enjoys views of the lake from a private balcony.

  • The interior is organized around a double-height living space at the core with a full size skylight above. The ground floor has the public areas, including a guest bedroom and bedroom. The second floor is given entirely over to the master suite, with the master bedroom and en suite bathroom facing the front of the house and a study/library facing the rear yard, which is accessed via a walkway alongside the double-height living room.



(Withheld at Owner’s Request)


Studio Campagna Architecture PLLC