Westchester Colonial

Armonk, NY

“Modernizing for contemporary suburban life”

The primary goal of this project is to adapt this house to the more modern lifestlye of this young, growing family. Typical of suburban colonial houses, the common rooms are overly separated from each other and lack the scale for modern social patterns. Also typical, the main entrance at the front facade is more formal than useful in the suburban environment where the automobile is the sole form of transportation to and from the home.

  • The main addition greatly expands the size of the kitchen and makes it the core of the home, open to the enlarged family room. The new kitchen features two large island countertops, one serving as a breakfast table from the family room. A butler’s pantry with a large walk-in storage room is on the way in from the entrance.

  • The roof of the kitchen addition then provides a large rear balcony for the master suite above.

  • By extending the main roof, adding the mudroom entrance and reorganizing the windows and garage doors, this elevation becomes a second main facade addressing the automobile lifestyle of the suburbs. The main roof extension re-organizing and dignifies the massing of the house, while providing a new large attic room off the master suite floor.

  • The second addition features a gym and music room in the basement and a new bedroom suite above. A stair tower simplifies the vertical circulation of the existing split-level layout and connectgs to a new large patio off the rear of the house



(Withheld at Owner’s Request)


Studio Campagna Architecture PLLC

